OSMB Looking for UIC ahead of 2024 Season + OBA Umpire Registration Is Open, News (Owen Sound Minor Baseball)

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Feb 06, 2024 | Jesse Edmunds | 1565 views
OSMB Looking for UIC ahead of 2024 Season + OBA Umpire Registration Is Open
Hey Hawks / Jr Baysox,

Do you know a local / surrounding area Umpire that has a passion for teaching / mentoring?...  

Owen Sound Minor Baseball is looking for an Umpire-in-Chief (UIC) to join our Executive, ahead of the 2024 season.

As an Umpire-in-Chief, your focus will be on mentoring and teaching some of our less experienced umpires, as well as working with the Association to organize clinics and evaluations. You'll also have the opportunity to ump games yourself, if you see fit. The UIC position does come with a small honorarium, and the role is supported by an admin / scheduler, to help ensure coverage is in place for all house/local and rep home games. The UIC is also a key resource for conflict review / resolution - drawing on the experience and knowledge of the rules of the game that this role should possess.

If you're interested in the role, or know someone that might be interested, please reach out to our VP of Operations. Contact information can be found here on our contacts page.

Additionally, if you are a New or Returning OSMB Umpire, OBA Umpire Certification / Registration is NOW OPEN. Check out the following link for more information: 2024 Umpire Certification - OBA (playoba.ca)

Our past UIC (Justin Tanguay) has offered to help with the transition to a new UIC, should a suitable candidate come forward. We would like to thank Justin for his dedication and commitment to the OSMB, and we wish him all the best! 


Your OSMB Executive Team

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