Jr Rookie Allstar Tryouts Set for July 7th, News (Owen Sound Minor Baseball)

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Jun 23, 2024 | Jesse Edmunds | 1201 views
Jr Rookie Allstar Tryouts Set for July 7th
Owen Sound Minor Baseball is happy to announce that a tryout date has been set for the 2024 - 7U Jr Rookie Allstar team...

Coach Jaffe Keeling will host the tryout on Sunday July 7th from 10:30am to 12:00 at the Balmy Beach Diamond - located at Indian Falls Conservation.

This is the first year that OSMB will have a 7U Jr Rookie Allstar team, and the focus of the program will be on providing some of eager 7U Hawks with the opportunity for additional training / practices this season, and possibly play in a few exhibition games against another town / city. In future years, the Jr Rookie Allstars will have the opportunity to enter into tournaments with other centres that have an advanced level team at this age group.

Jr Rookie Allstar games are played with a tee, as strong tee work is the best way to develop the necessary habits of a good swing. Through the focus of developing stronger baseball fundamentals, the Jr Rookie Allstar program sets the foundation for Rep or Select programming at the 8U/9U level.

If interested, please complete sign up here
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Clark's Of Silcote - Specialty Store
1210 3rd Ave E, Owen Sound, ON, Canada, Ontario Every year, Clark's sells break open lottery tickets, with proceeds going to help support the OSMB. Clark's is a grocery store focused on providing authentic South Asian products & convenience.