Message from WOBA Umpire-in-Chief, News (Owen Sound Minor Baseball)

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Jun 25, 2019 | Alan Murray | 1786 views
Message from WOBA Umpire-in-Chief
During the WOBA scheduling meeting in April a letter was read to all coaches from Allyn Ward the WOBA umpire-in-chief.

Although this letter was address to all coaches we have received a copy of the letter and wish to share it with all parents as the message is relevant for all.

Please take some time and read the letter;

Dear Coaches


For many years our affiliate and our coaches have worked hard on treating the umpires better, however, in the past couple of years in the WOBA, I feel that the attitude and behavior towards our umpires have proceeded backwards.


This year some of the locals have lost umpires due to the treatment they got on the field last year and in prior years. THIS HAS TO STOP AND WILL STOP.


Last time I check there is nobody on this planet that is perfect or knows everything when it comes to this game we love. So if a young umpire or veteran umpire makes a mistake or in your opinion a wrong call don’t go out screaming and yelling at them. If you want to ask how they saw it or ask for a ruling fine go ahead but be polite about it. But there is no need to be screaming at the umpires, especially the kids. They are kids, If you think it is so easy then come to an umpire clinic, get certified, go on the diamond and try doing it. Yes it’s not for everyone but these individuals are giving their time up for you to play


The few things that we have to remember is;


1.       Most of our umpires are kids

2.       Just like you as coaches, umpires are always learning, no one knows everything or every rule,

3.       Without umpires you can not play the game.


In all umpire clinics I instruct, within and out of the affiliate, I tell the class that if you have problems with any team, whether it is coaches, players, or spectators, tell your supervisor and assignor. Between Annette and I we have told all of our umpires in the WOBA to do so, as we want to hear about it as we want to keep them on the field.


We understand that this isn’t for everyone, as we do have a lot of coaches out there that do respect our umpires, but there are some that let their competitiveness get in the way at times.


Let’s all have a great season and a lot of fun and next year I hope I won’t  have to relay a similar message but a more positive message next season.
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